Every Knee
I often have something in mind to write about and I talk myself out of it because I do not want to get on a soap box or overly political, but I want to tell you about things going on in Sandwich and many communities.
There was supposed to be a meeting at the Sandwich Public Library last night regarding a couple of books that are in the children’s section. I do not know anything about the books but I trust the people who say they are not appropriate for children and all they asked was to have the books moved to the adult section. (this is my understanding). I couldn’t make the meeting but a friend from out of town and several people from her church came to the meeting. As soon as there were so many people there, the library said they had to postpone the meeting because according to fire code there were too many people for that particular room. Now they have larger rooms, but for some reason, it was postponed. My friend called and told me that. Later when I jumped on Facebook, I saw a post on the “What’s Happening Sandwich” page. It started with the man saying “before this gets out I wanted to tell you about the crazies who came to the meeting tonight….” So he went on to describe anyone who may have been there about moving the books as nuts, before hearing them out. I was also impressed with the comments after this post. One particular guy, I’ll call him B, said & I quote: “ So they showed up, cried and whined like snowflakes, then whined some more to their phoney Bologna suicide space angel and left…. When is it rescheduled? I want front row seats to this mockery of human intelligence”. Now if you didn’t’ catch that, he was talking about our GOD!
Honestly, I did not read further, I don’t need the frustration. Sadly, this man is on our school board and spews this kind of stuff on FB on a regular basis. I do know there were several more comments knocking Christians. If you think the persecution isn’t coming, you are WRONG! It’s starting. I also found myself conflicted because as terrible as this man speaks, I hate to see anyone go to hell. ONE DAY, every knee will bend and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD OF ALL! That’s EVERY knee, not just the Christians. EVERY knee, those headed for the lake of fire will be in front of HIM before and then they will realize how wrong they were.
I went to a Baptist church when I was younger. I always said that Baptist’s tend to scare people into heaven. Lutheran’s mostly love them into heaven. Personally, I won several Hershey bars there for memorizing verses. I am sure to this day they are the only ones I really memorized. So, if your faith gives you diabetes… Just kidding. My actual point here is that as awful as hell will be, we shouldn’t want any one to go there. The Bible says God wishes none would parish. However, He also gives us free will. Unfortunately, one day B will be kneeled before the throne of God. I pray that he finds God before that day. I pray that you have too!
Lord, you are a merciful and gracious God. We thank you for your son who you sacrificed for us, that we might be saved and never see that lake of fire. In His Holy Name, AMEN
Shirlene Peterson