
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
– Matthew 28:19-20

AFLC Home Missions | www.aflc.org/home-missions
This is the home missions organization of the AFLC. They are involved in the work and ministry of helping new congregations come into being and become truly free and living congregations. Home Missions is active in the training and equipping of pastors and laity for new ministry works, providing direction, counsel, training, support personnel, and most importantly-prayer covering.

Cup of Cold Water Ministries | www.ccwm.org
Cup of Cold Water Ministries is a local missions organization begun by a former member of our local Lutheran churches, Odell Kittleson. This ministry began with ministry in Bolivia but now also includes missions work in Mongolia, Honduras, Thailand, Mexico, and the local ministry of the Pine Ridge Christian Center.

Hope of the World – Nigeria Mission
The Hope of the World Mission is run by Pastor Alone Bassey in Nigeria. The ministry is focused on the teaching of the Gospel especially through the ministry of a school there.This mission was begun years ago to make sure that the Hope of the world, Jesus Christ, was made known in Nigeria.Pastor Jeff Swanson is the acting director of this mission. If you would like to assist in this ministry in the Nigerian school or church, send your gift to Hope of the World,  Helmar Lutheran Church.

Journey to Restoration 

Journey to Restoration is a biblically based, christian counseling center located at the Pine Ridge Christian Center in Sheridan, IL. We offer biblically based counseling for individuals, marriages, and children. Our mission at J2R is to provide healing through the hope of Christ to those who are hurting in our local community.

Lutheran Mission Society – Alaska Mission
This ministry serves the area of Naknek, Alaska. Included in this ministry is the running of a Christian radio station KAKN (www.kakn.org )the mission also has a hangar and planes that are taking people at opportune times to spread the Gospel to the areas around Naknek.

Under His Wings | www.underhiswingsministry.com
This ministry is located in Ottawa, Illinois. They minister to women and children in need. They believe that by helping women and children, they are building Godly foundations for their families in the future. Under His Wings provides three programs; maternity, new moms, and a new beginnings program.

Pregnancy Aid of Illinois
PAI is a pregnancy care center that provides counseling and services to women who are pregnant.  They also offer classes that include information about prevention, intervention, education and restoration.

We Are Called To Care
Called to Care serves vulnerable youth and families impacted by foster care across the state of Illinois. Their work is done through meeting practical needs when a  child or teen enters foster care as well as support groups for foster parents and therapy services for youth and adults. Simply put Called to Care desires to love children the way Jesus loves…fully, freely, sacrificially.

Active Missionaries

Jonathon and Tamba Abel
Location: Brazil
Email: tjabel@zaz.com.br
Sending Organization: AFLC 
Paul and Rebecca Abel
Location: Brazil
Website: http://www.paulabel.org
Sending Organization: AFLC
Tomasz and Miriam Chmiel
Location: Ukraine
Website: www.chmiels.com
Sending Organization: Josiah Venture
John and Carmina Donhowe
Location: Iowa
Email: johndonhowe@ccwm.org
Sending Organization: CCWM
Omar & Ellie Gallo
Email: eswen91@gmail.com
Sending Organization: YWAM
Ray and Ruthann Gorrell
Location: Texas
Email: ray.gorrell@crossworld.org
Sending Organization: CrossWorld
David and Marivel Hiller
Location: Bolivia
Email: davidhiller@ccwm.org
Sending Organization: CCWM
Paul and Paula Jarot
Location: St. Charles, IL
Email: jarot@loxinfo.co.th
Sending Organization: NTM
Phil and Sara Kittleson
Location: Bolivia
Email:  p-h-i-l@hotmail.com
Sending Organization: CCWM
Todd and Barbara Schierkolk
Location: Mexico
Email: aguadevida@prodigy.net.mx
Sending Organization: AFLC
Jim and Judy Larson
Location: Thailand
Email: jlarson@servantworks.com
Sending Organization: ServantWorks
John and Hannah Lee
Location:  Brazil
Email:  jelee89@gmail.com
Sending Organization:
Indira Maraj
Location: India & Nepal
Sending Organization: AIM
John and Stacy Swenson
Location:Tijuana, Mexico
Email: swensons2020@yahoo.com
Sending Organization: CCWM
Jeff and Jane Swanson
Location: United States /Kansas
Email: jswanson7@juno.com
Sending Organization: LMS
Jim and Connie Turek
Location: United States / Missouri
Website: www.ntm.org/jim_turek
Sending Organization: NTM
Josh and Ruthie Wagner
Location: LBT-AFLC, USA
Sam and Kelsey Weber
Location: Cameroon, Africa
Email: theunreached@gmail.com
Sending Organization: Ripe for Harvest
Mike and Anne Wheeler
Location: Minnesota
Email: mike.wheeler@sim.org
Sending Organization: SIM