God of Abundance

Jan 17, 2025

How are you doing? I wish that everyone reading this could text me and let me know. So often we greet each other with “How are you?” but we don’t really want to get into the whole story, and often the asker, doesn’t really want details. Today I am thinking of this because I know that there are many needs. SO many health issues this time of year. I am not sure if winter illnesses are worse this year than usual or if the television wants you to get more shots and meds so that’s all they talk about. Aside from health we have all of the normal issues that life throws at us. Family, money, jobs, marriage, stress…. So many things. So, we, who love the Lord, take it to Him. I take lots of things to the Lord. Some, I simply tell Him about and leave it at His feet. Others, I might actually plead with Him.

In 2003 our marriage was in jeopardy. I had asked God many times to help us. When things got really bad, I left for a few weeks. During that time I sought counseling, and I prayed very earnestly. In the next months, we worked on our marriage, communication, being more demonstrative, caring more about the others’ needs. Most of all, putting God at the center of it. After a year had passed, I looked back, and many verses came to mind. The first was in Joel 2:25. “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten…

In the 23rd Psalm David says his “his cup runneth over”. David was talking about the abundance of God. The way God pours out His blessings on us. I especially believe that God richly blesses us when we try to do the right things. I have felt His blessings on our marriage every day since. God, in His great mercy and Grace pours out His love in big measure. Not sparing the good for His children. He is constantly faithful. He is a good father who wants to give us His gifts. We just need to honor Him as much as possible, with our words, our actions and all that we are. When I was going to leave, a counselor said “If you leave, Satan wins. Don’t let Satan win.” That statement stayed in my head constantly.  We are in a battle. I knew that in MY case, God did not want me to let this marriage fail for as much as I could save it. So, I did fight for it.

We all are in battles more often than we think. Don’t let him win. God blesses us when we do what He desires. He also fights our battles. The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. When he can devastate a marriage, he wins. It affects not only the core family, but the extended family and friends. God is faithful to fight for you, and sometimes with you. Take all your issues to Him. In His abundance, He will pour out on you His blessings. Often more than we could imagine. 

Shirlene Peterson