The Truth About Lies
This week I heard someone say “In the beginning, a lies serves us, but in the end, we serve the lie”. How true this is. When we tell a lie it is to cover something that we do not wish someone to know. So, the lie serves us to accomplish that. But often lies grow. The more we have to tell it the more it grows and the harder it is to remember the original lie.
The Bible is full of examples of how things didn’t work out well for someone telling a lie. Esau and Jacob are a good example. They were twins, but in those days, the first born received a double blessing. Esau was strong and a great hunter. His father Isaac loved him the most. Jacob was completely opposite. His mother, Rebecca, favored him. Esau was born first and as Jacob grew, he realized how much he wanted that blessing. So, with the help of his mother, he plotted to get it. While his father was on his deathbed, Jacob pretended to be Esau and his father blessed him. Unfortunately, he received the blessing but his life was not as he hoped. Esau was angry, and who wouldn’t be? He threatened to kill Jacob. In fact, Jacob had to leave his home in fear. He ended up losing what he had gained.
· Proverbs 12:22
"Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but they that deal truly are His delight"
· Colossians 3:9
"Do not lie to one another, since you have taken off your old self with its practices"
· Proverbs 19:5
"A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape"
So, we see how bad a lie can be. The amazing part about God is His grace. In the end, Jacob and Esau made up. God redeems His people.
Lord, help us to remember these lessons next time we are tempted to lie. Thank you for the knowledge that when we do fall short, you are willing to forgive. Amen
Shirlene Peterson