Dear Future

May 17, 2024

I saw a reel on Facebook today with a young man who started off with “Dear Future Wife…. He spoke to “her” as if she were there. He was articulate and sincere. He told her that he had been praying for her for some time. He said that he was excited to meet her and to do all the things they love together, like fishing, having a cup of coffee together in the morning, He has a devotional he can’t wait to share with her. He says that he prays that God is healing her from past hurts, that she is growing in the Lord daily, that she is surrounded by people who encourage her to chase after Jesus. He tells her he is so excited for the day when God will finally bring them together, and he knows that God is preparing both of them for that day. He says he knows that God already knows who she is, but he is excited to find out and he hopes that she is too. He said he can hardly wait for that day, but he can wait because he trusts in God’s timing. 

It was a beautiful, thoughtful message. I found myself thinking how each of us should approach all things in life pursuing God and praying in advance for our future. I know it never occurred to me to pray for my future spouse when I was young. Prayer is such an amazing thing, it can move mountains, strengthen angel armies, give us peace and so much more. We all have a prayer list. People and things that need prayer that we try to work into our daily schedule. It made me think if there were things in my future that I should be praying about.

 In a Bible Study once during a discussion about prayer, I remember someone saying that they didn’t like to bother God with little things. Another person said they didn’t pray for their headaches because they were just a fact of life. There were lots of views on prayer. My grandmother used to pray for a parking spot in front of the store that she wanted to go into. Then there was the guy who said that he was on a diet but wanted a donut. So, he asked God if it was ok for him to have a donut, that God would provide a parking spot right in front of the donut shop. He did, however, the man had to drive around the block 5 times before one opened up. I know, that’s silly… or maybe that was Roger.

God has given us this amazing way to communicate with Him. Talking is something we do every day. It is not foreign to us and we do not need to learn how to do it. Some people have a wonderful way with words and can say very moving prayers, but that’s not what God requires. He looks at our hearts more than our words. I speak to him, the say way I speak to you. I need to keep it easy, because there is so much to say. I remember being so sick once that I really couldn’t even pray, so I just said, “help me, Jesus”. He is our great interceder. All we have to do is call out to Him, He will take it to the Father on our behalf.

Lord, you have told us in your word to bring everything to you. Anything, no matter how small, if it is important to us, it is important to you. Thank you that we do not have to ration our prayers, there is no way we can “use them all up”. Thank you Lord, for the many blessings you have given us, especially the gift of your son, Jesus. AMEN

Shirlene Peterson