
Oct 11, 2024

My family moved to Florida 45 days after I got married. It was hard, but it is a great place to visit. Dad, one brother, 2 sisters, their families all live in or around Daytona Beach. I learned right away how much I love the ocean. I see God in nature and the rolling waves of the ocean crashing against the shoreline has always given me peace.  I heard a lady telling of how that she was on the beach when she saw someone struggling and knew she had to rescue them. She had been a lifeguard in her younger days and knew exactly what to do. She swam out, turned the ladies’ body, put her in the position under one arm so she had an arm to swim with. She realized quickly that the undertow was the worst she had ever swam in. She started praying.” Lord do not let me lose this lady! Help me to get us both into the shore safely.” It was a real struggle and although she is a very strong swimmer, as soon as she got the woman to the shore and others helped her, this woman dropped to her knees and thanked God. She then was told there were no real lifeguards on duty because the beach had a red flag meaning to stay out of the water. The rip current was the worst they had ever had and 2 miles down the beach they had already lost 2 swimmers that day. She then went on to say that she realized this was like our faith. Sometimes we go on thru life, and we are tired. We see someone who needs to hear about Jesus; but we think, not today, I am tired, and they will probably reject me anyway. Or we know we haven’t been in church in a couple of weeks or read our bibles in a couple of weeks, but we are so tired, we just need the time off. Let me tell you. There is no such thing as “time off”. The enemy is working overtime. If we “rest” from our responsibilities, whether they are feeding ourselves with the word, or church to hear the word of God or whether we do not share with others the love of God, we will get caught in the riptide and be sucked under. I know how easy it is to be distracted in life. Our families are important, our friends are important, our jobs are necessary. Then try to find time for a little fun. The world tells us we are nothing unless we are producing something all of the time. But show me in the Bible where it says that. The Bible will tell you FIRST God, then spouse/family, then everything else.  Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; 

Hebrews 2:1 So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it.

I am sorry if I sound like a “know it all”. I am sorry if I sound ”preachy”. Or even judgmental. I really don’t mean that. But I have lived through the Riptide and it’s only because God keeps pulling me back that I am here to share this.  Distractions are not an option. If you are NOT swimming toward shore, you are drifting away. There is no floating stationary.

Thank you, Father God, our redeemer and savior for always coming to our rescue. Help us to be steadfast in our pursuit of you. Amen

Shirlene Peterson