December 10, 2020

Dec 10, 2020

One of those movies that I will watch repeatedly, is said to be a true story, set in the early days of school desegregation in the state of Virginia. It’s called “Remember the Titans,” the story about the first season of a newly created high school football team. While I’m not naïve enough to believe every word of dialogue is fact, there is a line that I really like.

The head coach is black and the assistant coach is white, both men were head coaches of their respective schools the previous year, and now find themselves well outside their comfort zones. As you might expect there is ample tension between all parties at the beginning of the season. The way the coaches agreed to division of duties was, the head coach ran the offense and the assistant ran the defense.

The team is struggling on both sides of the ball in an early season game and there are thinly veiled insults passing between the coaches. The assistant coach believes the team lacks innovation and makes it very clear that if the head coach would just open things up to a bit to some, “Trick plays,” everyone would have more fun and the net result would improve, there would be less of a struggle to win. This is where the line comes in, the head coach with a steely look in his eyes says, “I’ve got 10 plays, they’re just like Novocaine, give them time they always work.” If you have had much work done by your friendly dentist, you can identify with the concept of how that drug works, there is a predictable repeatable result when applied.

As I said, that line may not be factual but, for me, it’s a great picture of God’s love, just give it time it always works. The idea in the movie was that if the players would practice diligently and stay focused on what the goal was, all that time and effort would pay off. In our Christian lives the same holds true, some us only came to know of God’s love for us because of a faithful family member, teacher, or friend who prayed for us and loved us into the kingdom.

Isaiah 54:10 For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but My favor will not be removed from you, nor will My covenant of peace be shaken,” says the Lord who has compassion on you.

I don’t know about you but, sometimes I’m prone to look for shortcuts to success in life. Maybe the new thing is going to make life some how easier or more rewarding. This attitude can creep into our Christian lives if we aren’t careful. See, the story will never change, God’s love for us is relentless and unfailing. He has done it all and He did it right, that’s our story, our hope, and our victory. Pass it on this Christmas season.

Think with me about the words to, “Victory in Jesus,” below,

Ron Mathre

I heard an old, old story,
How a Savior came from glory,
How He gave His life on Calvary
To save a wretch like me;
I heard about His groaning,
Of His precious blood’s atoning,
Then I repented of my sins;
And won the victory.

O victory in Jesus,
My Savior, forever.
He sought me and bought me
With His redeeming blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him,
And all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory,
Beneath the cleansing flood.

I heard about His healing,
Of His cleansing power revealing.
How He made the lame to walk again
And caused the blind to see;
And then I cried, “Dear Jesus,
Come and heal my broken spirit,”
And somehow Jesus came and brought
To me the victory.

I heard about a mansion
He has built for me in glory.
And I heard about the streets of gold
Beyond the crystal sea;
About the angels singing,
And the old redemption story,
And some sweet day I’ll sing up there
The song of victory.