October 9, 2020

Oct 9, 2020

​The University of Colorado’s live mascot is Ralphie the Buffalo. Ralphie is approximately 1,300 lbs. and has a team of handlers that run her around the field prior to each half of a football game (in a horse shoe pattern). There are 5 handlers that run along side of Ralphie to steer her and control her speed. The University chose a female buffalo because she is less aggressive than a male buffalo. Ralphie can run up to 25 miles per hour and has knocked down her handlers before. Sound like a pretty exciting pre-game show with a little danger? What has been the most exciting pre-game show that you have been to? It could be a professional, collegiate or high school event, a concert, or even your child’s spelling bee. Do you recall the feeling of excitement as you are anxiously waiting to see them come out? Perhaps even a sense of nervousness even though you aren’t the one on stage? Do you remember the noise level as it jumped with all of the clapping and cheering as they entered?

Psalm 100:1-4

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!

Serve the Lord with gladness!

Come into his presence with singing!

Know that the Lord, he is God!

It is he who made us, and we are his;

we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving,

​and his courts with praise!

​Give thanks to him; bless his name!

​When I read the verse about entering his gates, I picture the tunnel leading to the entrance of a football field. I was never good enough to run through an actual tunnel, but I have seen the movies. I picture running through the tunnel about to enter the biggest game of my life, except, the people in the tunnel are the loudest! It’s a pre-game show in reverse! Can you imagine the excitement? I am certain I’m not going to enter his gateskind of “ho-hum” and say in a quiet voice – thanks Jesus for getting me in. NO! I picture thanksgiving in a way that I’ve never done before! I can’t even imagine it, but I can try! Imagine it when you read the verse above….Enter his gates with thanksgiving! Only it says, all the earth make a joyful noise, so we shouldn’t be quiet about our thanksgiving here on earth either!

Brian Pilon