March 22,2021

Mar 22, 2021

It would be easy for me to say that David is my favorite character in the Bible. I’ve come to know him well. Or maybe it’s just that I’ve come to know God through David. God called David a man after his own heart. I would love for God to call me a woman after his own heart. But I also believe that David’s downfalls, his sins are the other part that makes me understand him. When I was younger, I just remember thinking that I was not like those wonderful people in the Bible. I was not strong like Esther and Ruth, and that with all my shortcomings I had no place calling myself a Child of God. But after studying David, I realize that David did some pretty dreadful things. Most of us have not seduced another person’s spouse and then sent that spouse out to be killed, but sin is sin in God‘s eyes. Yet God forgave David, and His love & mercy are so big that He forgives us too!

When David went out to fight goliath, David did not dwell on the fact that goliath was a giant bigger and meaner than he was. He did dwell on the fact that his God is bigger and greater than any giant. In fact, that was the way David Approached most things in his life. Of course, David really was only human and did fail on more than one occasion, and in my mind, that is why he is such a great example for us. To remind us that we all fail, and that is why we need a savior. A savior whose Love & Mercy are so big that God would send His ONLY son to die so that we might have eternal life. Don’t miss this! Don’t miss the LOVE!