March 9, 2021

Mar 9, 2021

Their hearts were not loyal to him, they were not faithful to his covenant. Psalm 78:37

“Beware the Ides of March.” A warning to Julius Caesar, which unheeded led to his assassination by his “friend” Brutus on March 15. This famous act of betrayal is similar to another betrayal we remember at this time of year, Judas betraying Jesus. Both acts led to the death of someone who had been kind to them, and both would later commit suicide. While we rightfully consider these traitors as wicked men, to turn against someone who has been kind to you is more common than you may think. Psalm 78 describes another betrayal, of the Israelites turning away from God after he had freed them from Egypt. After all that God had done to free them from slavery, the Israelites turned away from God. Is the world any more loyal to God now than they were back then? How have you responded to the love of God?

While we may not have to worry about the Ides of March, we should definitely heed the warning to guard our hearts. Don’t let anything come between you and God. May our hearts and our lives be faithful and true! God has blessed us in so many ways, died for us, given us salvation. We have a friend in Jesus, let’s be loyal to Him.